You are on your own unique journey, on a unique life path, in a unique set of life circumstances.
No one has same set of life cards.
There is nothing to compare and no one actually to compare with.
You will soon be gone.
So try and create the best possible life experience for yourself and enjoy it.
Embrace moderation. It helps you to breathe, and helps you to rise when you fall
Understand the big picture and you will envy no man.
The worst life is that lived to impress others.
But dont be a loafer.
Set realistic life goals..and go after them thoughtfully and happily, like a good sportsman.
Transient anger is good. Bitterness is poison.
But always remember the bigger picture
Those who have died have only gone ahead.
Seek long life, but know ....
"It's no mean happiness to be seated in the mean" - Shakespeare
Those who will live the longest will have to bury all their classmates, all their childhood friends, all their .......and thats not funny
Our fore fathers once competed to have many children.
Those who could only have two consulted juju doctors and cried to their graves.
Today we buy contraceptives , pay doctors to tie wombs and cut sperm ducts, all to keep the number very low.
Yes because you need time for yourself .
Your life experience will be better if you spent more time developing yourself .
Your are like a car. Pimp your self with more knowledge and more skills.
Learn a new skill every 6 months. Every year.
Learning new things will keep you alert, motivated and above all , young.
You can change career and start again like a 17 year old at 45.
Masipa was the judge in the Oscar Pistorius - Reeva case. She read law in her forties. She had been a journalist all her life. She was in her sixties, a grand mother when she became a world famous judge.
It's never late.
But always remember, you will make mistakes.
Try and make sure you dont make indelible mistakes
I once asked my father what they were. He asked me to count my teeth with my tongue.
Now watch it - Watch and Pray !
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